Pinoy migrants say no to repeat of dictatorship


In time for the 49th year of Marcos’ declaration of fascist rule, Filipinos in the Netherlands and Dutch solidarity network for the Filipino people’s struggle for peace and justice held a protest demonstration at the Statenkwartier in The Hague where the Philippine embassy, World Forum and the United Nations International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Court are located.

The action condemned the atrocities during the country’s dark years under martial law as well as how the current Philippine president follows Marcos’ blueprint of human rights violations and plunder of the country’s natural wealth and treasury.

The calls of Filipinos overseas and solidarity network:
No to another dictatorship!
Never again to martial law, fascism, tyranny and corruption!
No to US imperialism! Oust Duterte!
Long live international solidarity!

Organized by Migrante Netherlands (Filipijnse Migranten in Nederland) with Pinay sa Holland GABRIELA (Filipijnse Vrouwen in Holland), International League of People’s Struggle – Europe, Europe Network for Justice and Peace in the Philippines, BAYAN Europe, Nederlands-Filippijnse Solidariteitsbeweging (Dutch-Filipino Solidarity Movement, Revolutionaire Eenheid (Revolutionary Unity) and Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle.


#neveragain #neverforget #OustDuterte