Learn about the factors affecting your WiFi signal and how WiFI mesh can help improve experience


Philippine Daily Inquirer, October 21, 2020

While the internet was always perceived as important, its impact to our lives has never been more highlighted than in the situation we are currently in. Who could have imagined that we can effectively work, learn, and play without going outside of our homes, right? It’s this reason why the internet has become more than just an added expenditure but a necessity for every household.

What’s common to every internet user in the country (and frankly, the world) is experiencing connection troubles such as slow speed and dropping signals. More often than not, these are caused by simple reasons that require equally simple solutions:

Distance from the router

The location of your router can affect your internet speed. That’s why it is best to place your WiFi router as close to the center of your home as possible and away from corners so that you can experience better reception throughout your house. Keep it elevated and also move devices that can compete for airwaves away your router.

Too many connected devices

When everyone else in the family is using the internet for work or online classes, chances are your internet connection can get slower. To boost the speed, you can try switching to another channel to reduce interference. A WiFi scanner is useful to easily identify the least used channel in your area.

WiFi signals being blocked by walls

Physical obstructions like walls, doors and appliances can possibly block the signals from your router from reaching some areas in your home.To get rid of this dilemma as well as the two mentioned above, it is best to invest in a mesh network.

A mesh network like Globe At Home’s TP-Link Deco M5  can do wonders to help you recreate the world right at home by providing wider coverage and steadier connection no matter where you are inside your house. The TP-Link Deco M5 is a mesh router system that helps eliminate WiFi dead zones and improves WiFi home coverage. It also has WiFi security and usage monitoring features that parents can use to oversee their children’s online activity and consumption.

Turn your bedroom into a boardroom, the living room to a home theater, and the kitchen to a classroom with your very own mesh network setup when you subscribe to Globe At Home UNLI Plans 2499 and up! These plans already come with 2 FREE TP-Link WiFi mesh units to power your network together with exclusive access to Globe At Home’s VIP hotline and Tech Squad services to help you properly install your setup. You may avail of these offers until November 30, 2020 only, so make the most out of it!

Enjoy new and upgraded experiences with your whole family with a fast and reliable internet connection with Globe At Home. To know more about this story, visit https://shop.globe.com.ph/broadband-plans