In time for Global Science March: Scientists urge PH gov’t to give greater support to S&T, protect national patrimony


In line with the internationally-coordinated #GlobalScienceMarch actions, scientists, environmentalists, and advocates marched for greater support for local science and in defense of national patrimony at an outdoor event today at the University of the Philippines Diliman.

Led by Agham Advocates of Science and Technology for the People and March for Science Alliance Philippines kicked off the month-long celebration with the “Bike, Jog, and March for Science”. The event carried the theme “Support Local Science and Technology, Defend National Patrimony and Sovereignty”. The activity is in recognition of the continued lack of resource allocation for scientific research and development amid the government’s own questions in the capability of local scientists to conduct meaningful endeavors.

“We continue our call for greater government support and funding for Philippine science and technology development,” said Cleng Julve, coordinator of March for Science Alliance.

At the global front, the March for Science Alliance denounce continued efforts to undermine science and research that underscore the urgent need to revamp dominant systems of production and consumption that destroy fragile ecosystems, affect human health and livelihood, and pollute the planet.

Julve added that in the Philippine scale, they are collectively denounce recent denounce recent pronouncements that belie the government’s preference and reliance on foreign over local scientists. They also slam the moves that allow foreign researchers, governments, and business to lay claim over and control the national resources, patrimony and sovereignty.

“We called our fellow scientists, engineers, technicians to stand together and march onward for the genuine development of Filipino Science and Technology that is responsive to the needs of the Filipino people, and in defense of our national patrimony and sovereignty against foreign incursions and aggression,” Julve disclosed.

The March for Science Alliance was born out of the events’ success, proving how diverse sectors from scientists, ICT professionals, academe, environmentalists, and food security advocates can bond for a common goal in advancing science and technology for the benefit of the majority.

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